Will Tesco Towers in Harrow get planning permission?

Many new development proposals present a dilemma for the area. They can provide housing, new amenities, and economic benefits, but could have drawbacks such as over-development, the impact on the environment, and pressure on infrastructure. It can make it a big challenge for developers and planners. We want to have a look at one such case today; Greenmead Place. It is an interesting example of property investment in Harrow.

NHG’s plans

Property investment HarrowDeveloper Notting Hill Genesis is currently planning a new development that would create ten new tower blocks. The project has been given the nickname ‘Tesco Towers’ because the site on Station Road is currently a supermarket and car park. The proposal is to build the new high rise buildings on the site, with the tallest up to 13 storeys. There would also be a new store with extra facilities, a pocket park, and green spaces for recreation.

The most pivotal thing here is the project would deliver 504 new homes. These would vary in size, including 1, 2, and 3 bed properties. The designs will specifically aim to deliver a good amount of family size homes. Crucially, 35% of the properties will be affordable.

The response

As we said above, developments always present a dilemma. Therefore, they tend to divide opinion. That is definitely true in this case. There is some support for the project because it would deliver new homes and economic benefits. It could inspire other property investment in Harrow too, bringing even more benefits to the area.

At the same time, there is some opposition to the proposals. There is a petition from residents urging the local council to say no to the plan. They warn that the tall high rises would be “overbearing” because the neighbourhood is mostly low rise flats and two storey houses. They also feel it will have a negative impact on the infrastructure, congestion, and pollution.

What could happen?

NHG said they have been working with the community to hear their views and deliver the best proposals. They have already made some changes in this regard, including reducing the height and density of the development. In addition, they have been working to minimise the impact on neighbouring streets.

The proposals are now with the local planning committee. They will have to decide what to do next, particularly whether the project brings more value than any harm it may cause. It may be that they give permission and the project can proceed as is. Or, they may decide that the objectors have a case and decline approval. If they do the latter, NHG would have to rework the plans.

Do you want help with property investment in Harrow?

Finefair Ltd has a lot of experience with different types of investment properties. This can include various styles of houses, tower blocks, and more. We work to offer the best collection of services, from purchases to management and guaranteed rent too. As a result, clients can come to us for a single package of services to tick all the right boxes.

So, if you want any help with property investment in Harrow, please speak to us. We’d be happy to assist you with any aspect of investing in properties in the area.