Take a trip to Chapel Market

Markets are the heart of local communities all around the world. They bring people together and let them buy a wide array of different goods. It can be a far better experience buying from them because you have the chance to engage with the sellers. Some even become tourist hotspots. We want to have a look at one lesser known market today in North London. Then, if you need help with investment properties in Ealing, you can come to us.

Chapel Market

Investment properties IslingtonWhen you think about markets in London, you probably imagine the most famous ones such as Camden, Portobello, Borough, and Brick Lane. They attract visitors in their droves. Or maybe you think about niche markets like Columbia Road Flower Market, Southbank Centre Book Market, or fashion at Old Spitalfields.

However, the city also has plenty of smaller local markets that are a great asset to the areas. Chapel Market definitely falls into that category. It operates daily (except Mondays) in Angel, North London.

Impressively, Chapel Market has been a staple of the area for a very long time, dating back over 150 years. It was so popular that the street name was changed in 1879. Plus, it was such a thriving spot for traders initially that Sainsbury’s chose to open their first local shop there in 1882. All of this has helped to make the area a popular choice for investment properties in Ealing.

The longevity of the market is even more impressive when you consider everything that has happened in that time. For example, there have been two World Wars, recessions, Covid, and the recent cost of living crisis. In fact, it has become even more important during the latter because of the amazing prices.

If you visit Chapel Market today, you can buy a wide array of different things. Fruit and veg shopping is great, especially if you want to pick up things you can’t find in your typical supermarket. Then there is fresh fish, clothing, art, gifts, and more. In addition, you can enjoy tasty street food.

The community

Walking around and shopping on the market is a great way to experience the community. You can see how the traders support each other, including looking after stalls, trying out goods, and a great general camaraderie. Impressively some of the traders have been coming for 50 years.

If you want to live in part of London where the community spirit is great, Angel is definitely the place for you. It also has an abundance of amenities and some great housing.

Do you need help with investment properties in Islington?

Finefair Ltd can offer support when people invest in homes anywhere in London, including all across Islington. Whether it is houses, apartments, or something larger like estates or blocks, we can deliver the perfect solutions. They can include working with the local council to ensure tenancies, guaranteed rent, and property management.

So, if you are looking at investment properties in Islington or have a portfolio already, see what we can do for you. There are plenty of benefits to working with us, including financial and organisational ones. Get in touch to learn more.