Our property procurement is definitely on the rise – we are currently procuring properties at a rate of 30 to 40 a month, which means that the rate has gone up and is now at the highest level we have seen.
This tells us that more and more landlords are becoming interested in the many advantages of guaranteed rent and are increasingly turning away from private renting.
As we are able to deal with all the various different aspects of property management, we can save landlords the usual headaches which come with day to day management of their investments. Our services are free of charge to landlords.
When you decide to take part in our guaranteed rent scheme, you will enjoy many benefits that you don’t get with private renting. For example, you have complete reassurance that your rent money will arrive in your account at the same time every month, with no worries about late payments. With our comprehensive management packages, you will save plenty of time and be confident that your properties are being well cared for by our expert team.
Contact us now if you’d like to discuss any of these services with us.