From April 2018 Lewisham Council will be putting more pressure on landlords to increase energy efficiency. The local authority wants each property to have an energy performance certificate (EPC) rating of E or better. Those properties less efficient than this may need improvements before a tenancy can begin.
New regulations
Local authorities across the UK are behind the introduction of new regulations to improve energy efficiency in rental properties. The move may provide a number of benefits. For one it could reduce energy consumption and bills for tenants. In addition it would really help the environment.
Landlords should be aware that councils are looking to promote better standards. Currently though, there is no enforcement in place. This could change in the future though so it is wise to keep an eye on the topic.
Confusion with EPC ratings?
A major issue with local councils trying to encourage landlords to get higher EPC ratings is the trouble with the rating system itself. For one there have been a number of changes to how properties are assessed. This has caused some confusion. In addition new research shows that solid-walls may be more efficient than previously thought. This could mean that properties currently with F and G ratings could be rated higher.
Review before tenancy
Lewisham Council would like to see landlords review the EPC before a new tenancy begins. This would give the property owner the chance to see what the current performance is and if they can make improvements. Every landlord should aim for an E rating or better.
Finefair has worked hard to become a highly rated lettings agent Lewisham landlords rely on. We provide consistent high quality services and help them to meet all of their obligations. For example we can offer advice like the information above and support the client in exploring energy efficiency.
If you have any questions or would like our recommendations, please get in touch. We are happy to help local landlords and investors from abroad who have purchased properties in the area.