London bucks the cooling trend

Many investors worry about the cost of managing property assets. It can have a big impact on your income and profits. However, there are options that won’t cost you anything at all. At Finefair Ltd we can arrange schemes to work with local councils. This can provide cost free management and also guarantee your rent. It is a great alternative to traditional services, and makes us one of the top options for estate management Ealing has.

Interest is cooling

According to the latest survey from RICS, there has been a fall in new housing inquiries in the UK. The figures show that 27% of professionals said interest had fallen in June. It was the third successive month with a dip in activity.

The conditions are a sign of a general cooling of the market. There had been expectations for some time that this would happen. Many experts were predicting it as record levels of demand were unsustainable and the market would have to cool at some point. The wave of interest due to pent up demand because of covid also had to end.

London remains hot

Estate management EalingWhile the activity across the UK as a whole is cooling, the capital was more resilient. In fact, 7% of professionals said there was an increase on demand. As one of the top names for estate management Ealing has, this is fantastic news for us and our clients.

There could be several reasons for this reversal of the trend. Firstly, is the fact that demand in London was not hitting the same heights as other parts of the UK. The city was taking a little longer to bounce back. Secondly, there could be a return in overseas interest.

Not all bad news

While some may see the dip in interest as a bad thing, the market conditions are still excellent. The RICS data shows that house prices continue to move upwards. An impressive 65% of professionals were reporting increases.

House prices are still climbing largely because of the supply issues. There are still shortages of homes across much of the UK, and new supplies can’t keep up.

There are also lots of reports of homes still selling at above their asking price. This can occur at different price brackets. For starters, 50% of professionals said properties with values up to £500,000 were exceeding the asking price. Then, 39% saw the same with properties between £500,000 and £1million.

The £1million plus bracket was the only one not to see this. Here the trend was to sell for marginally less than the asking price. This may be a sign of a shortage of buyers at the top end of the market.


Another positive piece of news for investors is that the change in interest is not affecting rents. In fact, the expectation is they will rise again because of the shortage in supply. The RICS survey found that 52% of professionals anticipate an increase during the next three months.

Ask us about estate management in Ealing

Finefair Ltd works to help clients find the very best options for their assets. We understand the work and cost of being a private landlord. But, we also know the benefits of a scheme with the local council too. It can often be the better option, especially with no extra cost for management and protection against void periods or late rent payments.

So, if you are looking for another way to do things, we can help. We recommend you speak to us about how we can give you the most reliable estate management Ealing can offer. Then, if you want to proceed we can help to set things up and liaise with the council for you.