Brixton has a lot of history

Across London there are a number of areas that have experienced periods of boom and bust. None of them can compare to Brixton though in terms of the huge shifts. It is interesting to look back on the history of the area, particularly with the current popularity and high demand for homes.

Traditionally Brixton was largely agricultural. It enjoyed a good location though on one of the main routes from the capital to the major port at Chichester. This is now known as the A3 and it remains a major road.

The industrial revolution brought major development to Brixton from the 1860s to 1890s. The arrival or the railway and tram services meant people could easily travel to the centre of London from the area.

One of the most iconic moments in Brixton’s history came in 1880. This is when the very first market street in the UK to be lit by electricity was revealed. The now iconic Electric Avenue was immortalised in the Eddy Grant song over 100 years later.

By 1925 Brixton was home to the largest shopping district in the south of London. It had a thriving market, three huge department stores, and became the home of many businesses that would go on to become nationally renowned.

In the 1940s and 1950s the area became more diverse, welcoming a number of immigrants from the Caribbean. This influx can still be seen today with the multi-cultural nature of the area and the eclectic mix of people.

There have been some very bad moments in the area though. During WWII German bombs caused substantial damage, leading to a housing crisis. There were also two major riots in the 1980s and a third in 1995.

Today though Brixton is a very popular destination and has seen a huge amount of new investment. It has once again become a hotspot for shopping, retaining iconic covered markets and welcoming boutique shops, restaurants, and cafes too.

At Finefair we provide a wide array of services in Brixton and the wider Borough. In fact we are the best for block management Lambeth has because we are able to achieve great results for each property. Whatever the specific requirements, we will cater for them so contact us today.