Author Archives: admin

Regenerating the Alton estate in Wandsworth

Across various parts of the capital investments are being made in improving the quality of council housing. Many of the estates were built post-war and the homes are now nearing the end of their lifecycle. The redevelopment is also freeing up space for new properties, allowing councils to go some way towards meeting demands for homes. Continue reading

Regeneration is continuing in Waltham Forest

The rising popularity of Waltham Forest was triggered by regeneration work in the lead up to the London 2012 Olympics. Since then projects have continued, breathing even more new life into the Borough. Several new proposals are in the pipe-line, including a newly revealed one by U+I. The property developers are aiming to turn the Equipment Works site into a mixed use development. Continue reading

Stepney is a well located area in Tower Hamlets

Stepney is one of the most diverse locations in Tower Hamlets. Over the years it has proven to be very popular with various groups of people moving to London from overseas. Firstly the Huguenots arrived from France in the 17th and 18th century, bringing incredible silk weaving skills to the capital. A significant influx of people from Ireland arrived in the 19th century. More recently the area has become attractive to people from across Eastern Europe and Bangladesh. Continue reading

Sutton is the fastest selling Borough in London

The London Borough of Sutton, previously regarded as one of the least favourable areas of the capital, has seen a huge change in fortunes. According to Zoopla properties in the area receive offers faster than any other location in the city. The speed at which these homes come under offer shows just how popular the area is. Continue reading

Making Ilford the heart of East London

At the end of March a £15 million regeneration project got underway that will hopefully reposition Ilford as the heart of East London. The money is being invested in improving the town centre, beginning with the area outside of Exchange Centre and Chadwick Road. After phase one is complete work will begin on other parts of the area, including Ilford High Road, Clements Lane, and Cranbrook Road. Continue reading