Hounslow Council’s push to improve design and sustainability

There is a lot to think about whenever someone plans a new development. It must ensure it is good for the area in every possible sense. This even comes down to ensuring it doesn’t harm the character. Hounslow Council recently made a great decision in ensuring this for the borough going forward. We want to have a look at it today and how it will improve the design and sustainability of developments. Then, if you need help with estate management in Hounslow, you can speak to us.


Estate management HounslowIn the middle of May, the local authority gave a green light to adopting a new supplementary planning document. SPDs are non-statutory documents that can be a key part of local development frameworks. They can provide useful information about various topics. Developers that heed them can have an easier time when it comes to design and securing planning permission.

What Hounslow has done is introduce the Character, Sustainability, and Design Codes SPD. It will be a very useful resource and will help to shape the architectural landscape of the borough in the future.

A crucial thing the document includes is comprehensive insights into the local character of the borough. This is important because it ensures that developers and planners can get a deeper understanding of what the area is like. They can therefore design developments that will preserve and celebrate the character instead of compromising it. If you invest and then need estate management in Hounslow, we can provide it.

Another vital thing here is the SPD introduces design codes. These define what the council expects to see in terms of the quality of designs. There is specific focus on sustainability. Overall the local authority wants developers to create a more vibrant, resilient built environment in the borough.


The council spent time consulting with locals and other stakeholders when formulating the SPD. It was their goal to ensure they gave the community a voice and the platform to help shape the future of the borough. They got a huge amount of feedback from a public consultation, and then made adjustments to the document.

What next?

Now that the SPD has gotten approval, the planning department will be able to consult it when they consider any applications. It will make it easier to say if proposals fail to meet crucial requirements such as sustainability and design quality.

Do you want to arrange estate management in Hounslow?

The SPD is a fantastic milestone for the London Borough of Hounslow. It could bring more high quality developments in the future that really benefit the area and local communities. As a result, it could make it an even better place to live.

If you decide to invest in the area, we can give you some wonderful services. Whether it is homes, apartments, or a mix of different types of property, we can deal with it. We have experience with estate management in Hounslow and other parts of London too. Our expertise here can ensure you get the best level of service for properties on estates.

So, speak to us today to learn more about what we can do and the advantages of working with us.