Are you one of the many investors and landlords with an interest in the market in London? Or, are you someone who wants to step onto the property ladder? If so, Finefair would love to help. Our services include finding the best options property investment Havering has and more.
Havering regeneration
The first plans for the Borough’s biggest regeneration scheme were submitted in May. This marks a huge step forward for the project. The joint venture partners, Wates Residential and Havering Council, have big plans for the site in Rainham.
The Napier and New Plymouth House site proposals include 126 new affordable homes with some earmarked for families. This is in addition to 71 homes for private sale. The site is one of the 12 which are a part of the estate regeneration programme. The work will deliver around 3,000 new homes in the Borough across the next 12 – 15 years. The aim of the project is to double the affordable housing and also increase the council rented accommodation.
These plans include children’s play areas alongside lots of green space. The purpose of this is to make sure the scheme reflects Havering because it has the biggest amount of green space in London. The landscape design will contain plenty of trees for birds, flowers for bees, and bat boxes to help encourage wildlife.
The submission follows an extensive consultation with the public, including local residents and businesses in the area. Havering Council’s planning committee are set to assess the application. They will make a decision sometime later in the year.
Havering Council and Wates Residential want the work to help deliver a legacy for the Borough. This is through an investment in education, training, and skills opportunities. They will also employ local businesses to work on the project. Overall the scheme will provide people in the local area with affordable, high quality homes. It will also help to raise design quality in Havering.
Expert help from Finefair
We can help you take advantage of the opportunities for property investment Havering offers. This is through our leading services. You should browse through our site if you want to know more about our work. Do not hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions and we will do our best to help you however we can.